Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lust for the media

We allow the media to make or break our lives. Now a days we let the media persuade us into trying to immitate what we see. For example in doll face was a video of a thing watching tv and extending herself to look at the tv and to keep trying to look like the person on the tv. In the dove video what i found remarkable was that all the people that were asked to define their looks thought they were uglier than they actually were then they were asked to interact with other people and then the other people were asked to describe the person. When the first person described herself she saw that she was actually describing herself uglier than she actually was. When the second person they met described them the picture actually looked like her. This video made me sad because of the fact that we all think different of ourselves than what others think of us. If we think we're ugly other people most likely think were beautiful. I think that would have totally boosted my self esteem by watching someone describe me and having a proffessional illustrator draw what they hear. I think these kind of topics should be talked about in schools because these are the kinds of topics that could boost your self esteem. If i would have seen this in middle school i wouldn't try so hard to fit in with society i would just be myself( not saying that im not myself i just am in a more media inspired way). I believe if we would take the time to teach and inform the younger generation about this situation we would have a better country/nation because people wouldn't be so caught up in the social media and would actually do their part to be successful in life. Things like this really get me inspired and makes me wish someone would take action to this matter to help make everything better because if our generation was taught this we probably wouldn't be in this economical difficulty. We probably would be having a Government Shutdown right now and we would probably all be living better. As you can see the smallest matter such as media and television impacts on society could leave a big imprint on the way we live now as a society.

What would you wear ?

I don’t believe it is okay to dress like other cultures as costumes because some might find it disrespectful. If I saw someone dressed up imitating my culture I know for a fact I would be upset and probably angry about it because its disrespect and it’s like they aren’t respecting who you are and where you came from so why shouldn’t I beat the living shit out of you. This is a big reason why crime rates and violence is high on Halloween because people our age go out and get drunk then see something they don’t like about someone’s costume and begin picking fights. I have friends who are really prideful in their culture and are extremely proud to be Mexican so if they were to see that kind of disrespect towards our culture then there would probably be a blood bath. If you’re choosing a costume you should know if it is appropriate or not, just because it is cute or sexy doesn’t mean it’s appropriate. Many sexy and cute costumes are not appropriate because of cultural matters and also because of things going on in everyday life that might offend others. For example, party city pulled off of their walls an Osama Bin Laden “Replica Costume”, due to cultural disrespect. This costume came with a turban, a white outfit, and a fake beard which also gave off a Muslim-like look. This costume set up awareness to the Muslim community and they became furious with rage. This product is now not on sale at any Party City store in the US.

I believe the costume video we watched in class made the best argument because you can actually relate to her because she targets every racist or inappropriate costume out on the streets. I also think the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin costume raised awareness in the black and white community since this is a recent issue that is still being investigated since they don’t know what really went on. Another item used a lot in the fashion industry is the Bindi which is used in India and Southeast Asia. Bindi’s are mainly used by people from India and people from the Hindu religion or people who are studying the religion to learn more about the Hindu way of life. In celebrity cases many singers and actresses wear Bindi’s to follow a common trend being followed by young women who are addressed by the media. Many Indian people are taken offended by this fashion statement trend going on since it causes confusion and disrespect to the Hindu Culture. Another example which is the MOST commonly seen is people of the Caucasian race dressing and acting like they belong to the African American race. This is most commonly seen in the media by celebrities. For example, Miley Cyrus who was recently on the MTV Video Music Awards and was twerking on stage acting to belong to a race to whom she didn’t. Many called this act ratchet which is a new slang word most commonly used by teenagers which means scandalous. According to the Urban Dictionary which is a website used to define words that aren’t in the dictionary which are most commonly used for slang defines ratchet as “A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she's wrong.”